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Tuesday 20 September 2011

Symptoms of Twin Pregnancy

Twin pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to woman.so sometimes,good ol'intuition will hold the key.Nevertheless,the symptoms below are common in women with twin pregnancy.

1.A very positive or early home pregnancy test:very positive means if you take a home pregnancy test on the first day of your missed period(or within just a day or two)and you get a distinctive,dark,2nd line or pisitive sign;most women experience a faint line when testing this early:pregnancy tests detect the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gornadotropin.A woman carrying twins would have higher levels of it and therefore a stronger positive or earlier result.

2.Early weight gain:Twin mothers usually experience a slightly higher weight gain than moms of singletons due to increased blood volume and a growing uterus.Approximately 5 pounds,give or take,more than a singleton mom by their 2nd tremester.This can vary due to factors like mom's pregnant weight.

3.Feeling fetal movement early in pregnancy:Most pregnant women don't feel fetal movement until about 18-22weeks.It's arguable that you can feel movement earlier than this if you are pregnant with twins.If it's your 1st pregnancy,it may be hard to determine if what you are feeling's indeed fetal movement.Also,a single fetus may be more active than usual causing stronger sensations in the womb.If it's a future pregnancy,you might have a sneaking or strong indication that the something's different with what you're feeling.

4.Confirmation via ultrasound(somogram):It is the best way of determiming multiple pregnancies.The somogram makes it possible for two fetuses/or two heartbeats to be distinguished without difficulty by a health professional.

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