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Thursday 27 October 2011

Clinical Psychology:My Dream

The desire to become a clinical psychology came in when I was in the second yeat of my bachelor's degree in psychology.When I was young,I liked to become a medical doctor because my parents were both medical practitioners.When I got to university,the ide changed.

All the branches in clinical psychology are extremely intersting such that I'm at the moment contemplating which area to pursue a post-graduate degree in(child psycholgy,adult mental health,geriatrics,psychology of learning disabilties,psychology of substance abuce,emotional health).

I love working with people,listening to them and helping them.Everyone's problem becomes mine.I can handle stress so well.Psychology of substance abuse seems to be my top choice at the moment because many people in my family are drug adicts and have several psychological and medical problems due to substance abuse but I have not yet made up my mind.

I encourage people to pursue a career in psychology.It opens your mind about everything around you.You then begin to think ahead of others.You then begin to have no or less difficulty in solving behavioral problems.

I have "the dream" of being a professor of psychology and I believe God will see me through.


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