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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Dogs with rabies virus.

It is good to know the symptoms rabies-infected dogs have.This helps you to avoid being attacked by them( like running away).

Rabies is a viral disease that causes acute encephalitis(inflammation of the brain)in warm-blooded animals.It is zoonotic(i.e transmitted by animals) most commonly by a bite from an infected animal.For a human,rabies is almost invariably fatal if post-exposure prophylaxis is not administered prior to the onset of severe symptoms.The rabies virus infects the central nervos system,ultimately causin disease in the brain and death( zoonic neuroinvasive disease also called hydrophobia).

Dogs infected with rabies show signs and symptoms of foaming at the mouth,extreamly mean and aggressive.However,in some cases,infected dogs can be very calm and tame so you must really be careful not to stay near or get bitten by strange dogs(or animals in general).Death is always certain once a dog is infected with rabies virus.

This deadly disease can be prevented with a proper vaccine from a veterinarian.Rabies remain viable for less than a day and can not live long outside the host.

Stage of Rabies Infection in Dogs.

The infection of the virus in dogs is divided into 3 stages:
PREDOMAL STAGE can last up to 6months long as the virus slowly spreads over the nervos system and travel to the brain.At this stage,infected dogs sometimes may not show any sign or symptom at all.common symptoms at this stage are fever,lethargy,loss of appetite,changes in behavior,chewing at the bite site,and change of bark tone.

FURIOS STAGE may last for several days(usually 2-4days) after the predomal stage.However,not all dogs experience this stage.It is the most dangeros stage because infected dogs can spread rabies disease.At this stage,they are extreamly mean and aggressive,totally uncontrollable,breaks its own teeth by biting objects,constant growing,biting,dilated pupils,restless,disorientation and seizures.

PARALYTIC STAGE last for 2-4days and the symptoms are choking,dropping of the lower jaw,unable to swallow any food,foaming at the mouth,paralysis of jaws,throat,and chewing.

After the paralytic stage,infected dogs will ususlly be in coma.It may also explain respiratory problems and failure then pass away.

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