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Wednesday 21 September 2011

Exercise While Sitting at your Computer:oWhy & How

Sitting at your computer in the office or at home all day is not perfect for the body as it causes backaches due to bad posture & eye strain & other effects.The following are simple steps you can take to iprove your posture and keep youe health in check.

STAND up every half hour to walk around.It ensures blood circulation in your arms & legs,& will keep them from getting too strained.you may use stairs instead of elevators.

TAKE a break from focusing on the screen.Every 30minutes or so,shift your focus from the mornitor.scan around other objects in the room.It promotes eye movement & lessens chances of eye irritation & headaches.

TAKE advantage of downtime created by rebooting or large file downloads.Take short walks around your floor.You can do sit-ups if you've less co-workers who wouldn't mind.

TAKE a few deep breaths.To work your abdominal muscles,hold your stomach for a few seconds when breathing in,release when breathing out.Let your lungs get fresh air by taking outside walk.

DO simple stretching.Stretch your arms,legs,neck & torso while sitting.It prevents stiffness.

HAVE a water bottle by your side and make a habit of drinking some every half hour.It'll make you feel more alert.Take trips to your water refilling station to refill your glass so that you can walk & exercise legs at thesame time.

OBSERVE the proper sitting posture in a good chair that's designed for desk work.Your back be straight,shoulders back & top of your mornitor be level with your eyes.if u gotta look up or down,adjust the height of your screen.keep your legs bent at the knees so that the knees are only slightly higher than your hipsfeet should be flat on the floor or on a step stool of some sort.your wrist shouldn't lie on the keyboard or mouse pad unless u have a pad with a wrist rest.This prevents carpel tunnel syndrom.

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