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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Dogs with rabies virus.

It is good to know the symptoms rabies-infected dogs have.This helps you to avoid being attacked by them( like running away).

Rabies is a viral disease that causes acute encephalitis(inflammation of the brain)in warm-blooded animals.It is zoonotic(i.e transmitted by animals) most commonly by a bite from an infected animal.For a human,rabies is almost invariably fatal if post-exposure prophylaxis is not administered prior to the onset of severe symptoms.The rabies virus infects the central nervos system,ultimately causin disease in the brain and death( zoonic neuroinvasive disease also called hydrophobia).

Dogs infected with rabies show signs and symptoms of foaming at the mouth,extreamly mean and aggressive.However,in some cases,infected dogs can be very calm and tame so you must really be careful not to stay near or get bitten by strange dogs(or animals in general).Death is always certain once a dog is infected with rabies virus.

This deadly disease can be prevented with a proper vaccine from a veterinarian.Rabies remain viable for less than a day and can not live long outside the host.

Stage of Rabies Infection in Dogs.

The infection of the virus in dogs is divided into 3 stages:
PREDOMAL STAGE can last up to 6months long as the virus slowly spreads over the nervos system and travel to the brain.At this stage,infected dogs sometimes may not show any sign or symptom at all.common symptoms at this stage are fever,lethargy,loss of appetite,changes in behavior,chewing at the bite site,and change of bark tone.

FURIOS STAGE may last for several days(usually 2-4days) after the predomal stage.However,not all dogs experience this stage.It is the most dangeros stage because infected dogs can spread rabies disease.At this stage,they are extreamly mean and aggressive,totally uncontrollable,breaks its own teeth by biting objects,constant growing,biting,dilated pupils,restless,disorientation and seizures.

PARALYTIC STAGE last for 2-4days and the symptoms are choking,dropping of the lower jaw,unable to swallow any food,foaming at the mouth,paralysis of jaws,throat,and chewing.

After the paralytic stage,infected dogs will ususlly be in coma.It may also explain respiratory problems and failure then pass away.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Exercise While Sitting at your Computer:oWhy & How

Sitting at your computer in the office or at home all day is not perfect for the body as it causes backaches due to bad posture & eye strain & other effects.The following are simple steps you can take to iprove your posture and keep youe health in check.

STAND up every half hour to walk around.It ensures blood circulation in your arms & legs,& will keep them from getting too strained.you may use stairs instead of elevators.

TAKE a break from focusing on the screen.Every 30minutes or so,shift your focus from the mornitor.scan around other objects in the room.It promotes eye movement & lessens chances of eye irritation & headaches.

TAKE advantage of downtime created by rebooting or large file downloads.Take short walks around your floor.You can do sit-ups if you've less co-workers who wouldn't mind.

TAKE a few deep breaths.To work your abdominal muscles,hold your stomach for a few seconds when breathing in,release when breathing out.Let your lungs get fresh air by taking outside walk.

DO simple stretching.Stretch your arms,legs,neck & torso while sitting.It prevents stiffness.

HAVE a water bottle by your side and make a habit of drinking some every half hour.It'll make you feel more alert.Take trips to your water refilling station to refill your glass so that you can walk & exercise legs at thesame time.

OBSERVE the proper sitting posture in a good chair that's designed for desk work.Your back be straight,shoulders back & top of your mornitor be level with your eyes.if u gotta look up or down,adjust the height of your screen.keep your legs bent at the knees so that the knees are only slightly higher than your hipsfeet should be flat on the floor or on a step stool of some sort.your wrist shouldn't lie on the keyboard or mouse pad unless u have a pad with a wrist rest.This prevents carpel tunnel syndrom.

What you can Gain from Exercise.

The benefits of exercise below are all yours regardless of age,sex,and physical ability.

1.Increases energy and endurance.

2.Slows down the ageing process
as it makes you more aerobically

3.Strenghtens and boosts your
immune system.

4.Reduces stress,depression and anxiety by stimulating th release of endorphin,a hormone responsible for pleasure and well-being.

5.Helps you sleep better.Don't exercise close to bedtime.

6.Builds and maintains healthy joints,muscles and bones by making them more flexible and less stiff.

7.Reduces risk of many disease like adult onset diabetes,breast cancer,hypertension,stroke etc.

8.Improves the degree of your mental sharpness.

9.Puts the spark back into your sexual life by reducing risk of sexual dysfunctions.

10.Improves your self-esteem because you are able to gain control of body size and weight through fitness.

As you can see,exercise is so vital for us.Go ahead,start an exercise activity today.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Symptoms of Twin Pregnancy

Twin pregnancy symptoms vary from woman to woman.so sometimes,good ol'intuition will hold the key.Nevertheless,the symptoms below are common in women with twin pregnancy.

1.A very positive or early home pregnancy test:very positive means if you take a home pregnancy test on the first day of your missed period(or within just a day or two)and you get a distinctive,dark,2nd line or pisitive sign;most women experience a faint line when testing this early:pregnancy tests detect the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gornadotropin.A woman carrying twins would have higher levels of it and therefore a stronger positive or earlier result.

2.Early weight gain:Twin mothers usually experience a slightly higher weight gain than moms of singletons due to increased blood volume and a growing uterus.Approximately 5 pounds,give or take,more than a singleton mom by their 2nd tremester.This can vary due to factors like mom's pregnant weight.

3.Feeling fetal movement early in pregnancy:Most pregnant women don't feel fetal movement until about 18-22weeks.It's arguable that you can feel movement earlier than this if you are pregnant with twins.If it's your 1st pregnancy,it may be hard to determine if what you are feeling's indeed fetal movement.Also,a single fetus may be more active than usual causing stronger sensations in the womb.If it's a future pregnancy,you might have a sneaking or strong indication that the something's different with what you're feeling.

4.Confirmation via ultrasound(somogram):It is the best way of determiming multiple pregnancies.The somogram makes it possible for two fetuses/or two heartbeats to be distinguished without difficulty by a health professional.

Monday 19 September 2011

Tips for Avoiding football Injuries.

playing football's fun but getting injured's not.This discussion will help you to avoid injuries and stay in the game.

Don't play when you're injured or before an injury has had s chance to fully heal.If you do,it can lead to a serios injury that might sideline you for a long time.Follow the doctor's advice about when to return to practice and play.

Watch-out for others,communicate on the field.you can tell your team-mate "i got the ball" to avoid collision.Listen to your coach.Tell you team-mate if his shoe's untied and check yours too.

Know the game rules.with this,fewer injuries occur because players know what to espect from each other.In football,you know you can't come from behind,crash into one's legs and steal the ball.Its legal and safer to go after the ball rather than the player.

Warm-up.Prepares your muscles to go and less likely to get injured.it lenghtens your muscles,increases blood flow and muscle temperature.

Wear protective gears like boots,helmets to avoid head injuries,hand gloves for goalkeepers and pads to protect your elbows and knees.

Overcoming Nightmares.

Nightmares are unpleasant dreams that trigger strong negative emotional responses from the mind,typically fear,and/or horror,but also despair,anxiety and great sadness.Sufferers usually awaken in a state of distres and may be unable to return to sllep for a prolong period of time.Nightmares vary in their themes as they occur during Rapid Eye Movement sleep,typically in the later part of the night.They occur at all developmental stages.

Nightmares are caused by physical factors like sleeping in an awkward position,having a fever or psychological factors like stress and anxiety.Eating before going to sleep which triggers an increase in body metabolism and brain activity,is a potential stimulus for nightmares.Other causes are accidents,violent assault,alcohol abuse,natural disasters,going off antidepressants.

Being aware of the possible cause of nightmare helps alot in stoping them.
With psychodynamic therapy,clients meet often with a therapist to discuss their nightmares and consider any emotional problem that might be causing them.

Another option is prazosin,a medication for high blood pressure.Studies have shown that nightly doses of the drug are effective against nightmares in people with post traumatic stress disorder.

Imaginery Rehearsal Therapy may put chronic nightmares to rest.It's easy to learn and use and can be mastered in a few hours;once learned,it's only used for a few minutes a day for a matter of days or weeks.You can try it on your own,but people who suffer from PTSD or another psychological condition should attempt the technique only with the help of a doctor or therapist.
Once you figure out what the dream is trying to tell you,the nightmares will probably end.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Laughter Improves Pain Tolerance.

An international team of researchers has found that laughter improves patients' tolerance to pain and helps them to go through painful conditions.Researchers from university of Oxford collaborated with US and European scientist to conduct six seperate exprimental studies evaluating the effect of laughter on pain threshhold of a group of volunteers,AFP reported.5 groups of participants watched a factual documentary while the 6th one was shown comedy videos.Another test was conducted at the Edinburgh fringe festival,where volunteers either watched a stand-up comedy or a theatrical drama.The pain threshold of participants where tested before watching the videos.

Results showed that,5minutes of laughter increased the level of pain tolerance by around 10%,while serios programs and dramas had a pain-alleviation effect at all.

According to the report publshed in the proceedings of the Royal Society B,only a relaxed and unforced laughter was found to be helpful in increasing pain tolerance.This kind of belly laughter is far likely to happen when an individual is enjoying himself with others,rather than being alone."using microphones, we where able to record each of the participants"said Robin Dunbar,Lead author and head of the Institute of social and cultural anthropology.

Research suggested that laughter and humor trigger endorphins release in inner morphin like substances which suppress signals of physical pain and psychological stress.

Scientists,however,believed that during laughter,the endorphin release comes from an involuntary,repeated muscular exertion caused by exhaling without drawing breath.The exertion leaves us exhausted and thereby triggers the endorphins,they said.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Stay Energetic While Playing Football

Getting tired while playing football reduces your ability and likelihood to play on a competitive level.Follow my guide and dominate the football field while playing and stay energetic.
1.Adopt an exercise routine.If you've been doing it,inrease time or difficulty.Always speak with your doctor before changing your exercise routine and you may hire a professional to help you build muscles safely

2.Take breaks always.While you're on the sidelines,find a bench to sit on.If possible,find something to lean against,and keep legs and neck relaxed,along with the rest of the body.

3.Breath.Inhale & hold for 8 seconds(don't count too fast) and exhale.Repeat this 2-4 times(if you smoke or used to,4 times is recommended).Always rememberto breath in excitementfor the game,you might be tempted to hold your breath but isn't a good idea.

4.Relax.Though,youshould stay during the game,it is good to relax your muscles & your mind for a while.E.g. While on the sidelines or going to a game.

5.Always warm up.It helps you avoid injuries and keep your stamina up.Always do this beefore playing,even if it is just a short game with friends.

6.Stay hydrated.Always drink before and after playing.However,don't drink directly before a game,and drink little amounts often inatead if gulping down all your water at once

7.If you are tired.Breath through your nose and out through your mouth,and only sit for short periods.Stretching,drinking watet and relaxing are all good ways to keep up your stamina.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Nail Biting:Causes and Treatment Options.

Nail biting is a compulsive habit.Onychophagia is the scientific name for the disorder may also involve some skin-picking.Frequent fingernail biting can cause the free edge to go away and the nail gets incusted in the nail bed.This action leads to inflammation,swollen lateral borders & small warts around the cuticle.It can cause hemorrhage under the nail & lead to nail loss.

Possible Causes of Fingernail
Obsessions,compulsion & anxiety are the 3 main causes. Many say Fingerbiting is a way of relaxing in situations of anxiety or stress.These altered states can trigger off the unconscios nailbiting habit.In most extreme cases, it' considered a conscios habit of self-inflicted harm and some specific situations may lead to negative attitudes and exert an influence on the behavior of the subject during childhood,adolescence and first years of adulthood.E.g of these situations may be dramatic changes in the family(death,divorce),violence,rejection for or from step-parents etc.After gaining confidence in his/her environment(school,family),this habit will tend to stop,especially in child nail biting

How to Stop Child Nail biting.
There is no specific cure,although it is advisable to discourage this bad habit and to explain its consequences,like deformed fingers and teeth.

Negotiation without punishment is the best idea.Punishment & scolding at the child may increase his/her anxiety and also spoil the relationship with his parents/caregivers and it is unlikely that the child will break the habit

in severe cases,you can try apllying a bitter substance such as ginger oil easily obtained by soaking some ginger for 2wks in some olive oil to stop nail biting.A daily application of 3-4wks may be enough.Some moms have their kids wear gloves,as a barrier to protect their nails from biting.These kids must be supervised for them not to take them off & start biting their nails again.The repeated promise to allow them not to wear them anymore is necessary for the child to try to overcome this thought habit.The trick is quite successful among kids between 3 and 6yrs old.Therapy is also vital in many child nail biting cases to help kids break the habit

Incivility at Work can Affect Family Life.

People who interact with rude or boorish co-workers mostly take their stress home and damage family life and married lives and even their spouses' jobs.The result of this is experiences of anxiety,depression and adverse effect on mental health.Employees who experience incivility at work bring home the stress,negative emotions and percieved ostracism that result from those experiences which then affects more than their family life.It also creates problems with the partner's life at work.

It is vital to stop incivility before it starts so that the ripple effect of incivility does not impact the employee's family.Otherwise,the toxic atmosphere at work must potentially inflict further damage beyond the work place and cross over into the work place of the partner.

Encouraging workers to seek support through their organizations' employee assistance program,and conselling or stress management resources may help workers cope with rude workers.

People who experience a chronic rudness should get help with stress management techniques.Rudeness and instability can result in things like anxiety and depression.It is good to get in touch with a counsellor.if it starts impacting their physical and mental health,they should seek a job elsewhere.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Mom's Smoking Affects Infant's Brain.

Children whose mothers smoke during pregnancy are more likely to develope mental health problems and use psychiatric medications later in life.

Finish researchers 175,000 children and their drug use history for 20yrs.They also asked their moms if they smoked during pregnancy.Results showed that 1 in 11 out of the studied kids was prescribed a psychiatric medication at some point during that period,including anti-anxiety drugs,anti-psychoticsanti-deoressants,stimulants and drugs for addiction,Reuters reported.

According to the analysis,11% of the kids whose mothers smoked fewer than 10 cigarrets per day had a report of psychological drug use compared to the 8% who had non-smoker mothers.The association was strongest for stimulant drugs that target attention problems and hyperactivity and drugs for addiction,the scientist wrote in the American Journal of Epidemology.

"The exposure was significantly associated with the risk of all medication use and for both single and multiple drug useeven after adjustment(e.g. Mom's severe psychiatric illness",wrote senior researcher Mikael Ekblad."These findings showed that exposure to smoking during pregnancy is limked to both mild and severe psychiatric morbidity",he added.

Scientists suggest that toxic chemicals in tobacco can affect the baby's brain development in the womb,leading to mental problems after birth.The other possibility is that smoking might harm the baby's brain by decreasing oxygen levels in the blood stream of the mother and fetus.

climate change can trigger asthma

Health experts warn that climate change can cause an increase in the number of asthma emergencies in kids within the next 10yrs.Researchers at mount Sinai school of medicine in New York found that climate change led to 7.3% rise in asthma-related emergencies room visits by children younger than 17yrs old.

Scietists linked the NY state department of health climate and air quality information with data on asthma-related emergency department by kids up to age 17yrs in 14 countries.Researchers then simulated ozone levels for june through August in five consecutive yrs in the 2020s and compared them with ozone levels in the 1990s,Healthday reported.Findings predicted an overall 7.3% increase in asthma-related emergency visits by kids in the 2020s,with increase in individual counties ranging from 5.2 to 10.2%.

According to the report published in the American journal of Preventive Mediicine.Researchers called on countries to reduce carbon pollution and fight climate change and pollution.

Monday 5 September 2011

Toothache:causes,prevention and treatment.

1.Pulpal irritation:it happens only
if the tooth does nt accept the
material used for the treatment.

2.Temperature sensitivity:Contact
to very hot or very cold
temperature causes sensitivity to
the tooth and pain.

3.Dental decay:is caused by plaque
formation consisting of
microorganisms which slowly
decay the tooth and cause pain

4.Fracture of the tooth:may be
caused by accident or improper cantact of the teeth within food in-between and the masticatory forces being higher.

5.Diet rich in sugar

Prevention of Toothache.
Visit a dentist as soon as you experience pain in the mouth.
1.Lessen sugar intake:sugar foods increase the growth of microorganisms.young kids should eat less chocolate or it protects the tooth surface

2.Vitamin-c rich diet:vitamin c helps in the deposition of calcium on the tooth to strenghten and growth of calcified tissues of the tooth.This restricts the growth of microorganisms
3.Use fluorine-based toothpaste:fluorine prevents infections and strenghtens the enamel layer which prevents rotting of the tooth layer.
1.Pepper as a dentrifice:mixing pepper with a bit higher quantity of salt is used for treating toothache

2.Bacterial kill with onions:chewing onions for 3 minutes can cease bacteria growth.It reduces dental pain

3.Salt water:salt water either cold or warm when rinsed in the paiful region would help in reducing tooth pain

4.use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen and other drugs like Nicip Plus

5.use toothpaste for sensitive teeth which are specially made to reduce the pain due to hypersensitivity on the tooth.

Sunday 4 September 2011

What do you think!

Why do most women become fat after marriage?

Foods that Burn stomach Fat.

It is good to focus on what will help you burn stmach fat.Make sure you are starting a regular workout routine as well because tou have to exercise inorder to burn that fat.proper regular exercise is also going to make sure that you are not going to put back on the pounds you lose it.

Once you've started your exercise routine you are going to want to start by focosing on some foods that are high in fibre and protein.Your body will have to work harder to digest these foods.Becayse of this,your body will burn more calories through the digestion process with these foods versus the amount of calories burned through the easy to digest fatty foods.Eat less meat.

Start with simple eggs.The real problem with your dietry cholesterol is fat,not protein.Also,eggs are packed full of vitamin B12 which just happens to be a great supplement for breaking down the fat cells u hate so much.Beans will help you burn belly fat in no time at all.The baked and fried beans are the ones you are gonna want to avoid .Instead focus on eating lima beans,navy beans, and kidney beans.Also,oatmeal can help you burn the belly fat.Add a spoonful of natural honey to unsweatened oatmeal and you will have a breakfast or lunch that is gonna give you alot of physical health benefits.

Now you see how a lot of food options out there can help you burn stomach fat.The sooner you get started changing you diet plan and exercising,the sooner you will see that stomach fat melt away.

Saturday 3 September 2011


The woman's stomach is constantly the focus of her attention,and for some women,measurement of her worth and attractiveness.Most men and women want to know how to get rid of their stomach fat.Men are pressured now more than ever to have flat stomach if they want to attract romantic partners. GET RID OF THAT STOMACH FAT. 1.Drink lots of water:water flushes out from fat cells and toxicins that can hang out in our fat,and in our skin.Water helps to keep the bowels lubricated and working properly.If the digestive system doesn't work properly,then we are subject to floating and gas. 2.Change eating habits:Eating salty and fatty foods makes you even more fat.Salty foods cause the body to retain waterhich leads to bloat in the stomach.Soda causes bloat due to carbon bubbles that make up soda.Gresy foods first hang around the digestive tract,and causes gas and other disturbances.Eat lean foods,and foods that are filling,and that keep the digestive track moving. Eat fruits,vegetables,whole grains,and lean meat.Watch your meal proportions.Don't starve yourself. 3.Exercising:This is so effective in losing stomach fat because it helps bllod circulation,engages stomach muscles,strenghtens core muscles of the back and stomach,keeps metabolism moving, and moves the digestive tract.Walking helps in getting rid of excess water that might be hanging out in the body. 4.Getting enough sleep:Lack of sleep causes weight gain around the stomach.The body needs to fall into sleep,restorative sleep in order to function properly.Otherwise,stress hormones cause belly fat to buid up. is constantly the focus of her attention,and for some women,measurement of her worth and attractiveness.Most men and women want to know how to get rid of their stomach fat.Men are pressured now more than ever to have flat stomach if they want to attract romantic partners. GET RID OF THAT STOMACH FAT. 1.Drink lots of water:water flushes out from fat cells and toxicins that can hang out in our fat,and in our skin.Water helps to keep the bowels lubricated and working properly.If the digestive system doesn't work properly,then we are subject to floating and gas. 2.Change eating habits:Eating salty and fatty foods makes you even more fat.Salty foods cause the body to retain waterhich leads to bloat in the stomach.Soda causes bloat due to carbon bubbles that make up soda.Gresy foods first hang around the digestive tract,and causes gas and other disturbances.Eat lean foods,and foods that are filling,and that keep the digestive track moving. Eat fruits,vegetables,whole grains,and lean meat.Watch your meal proportions.Don't starve yourself. 3.Exercising:This is so effective in losing stomach fat because it helps bllod circulation,engages stomach muscles,strenghtens core muscles of the back and stomach,keeps metabolism moving, and moves the digestive tract.Walking helps in getting rid of excess water that might be hanging out in the body. 4.Getting enough sleep:Lack of sleep causes weight gain around the stomach.The body needs to fall into sleep,restorative sleep in order to function properly.Otherwise,stress hormones cause belly fat to buid up.

Friday 2 September 2011


Aims and Objectives of Kumaclinic .blogspot.com 1.To give you information on varrying health issues. 2.To help any one with a health problem. 3.To keep you up to date with health issues around the world. Your comments,suggestions,and questions on health issues discussed on this site or not are welcome.