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Tuesday 23 August 2011


Women with a history of eating disorders may strugle to fall pregnant quickly.They are alsomore than twice as likely to fertility treatment,a study of more than 11,000 UK moms has found.Pregnancy rates after 6months were lower in women with anorexia or bulimia,but by a year they were same as the population.Would-be moms should seek help early for any symptoms of eating disorders.They need extra support during and after pregnancy;a team from King's college London and university college London reported in BLOG:An internationalJournal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.The study found 39.5% of women with a history of bulimia or anorexia took longer than 6months to concieve.This compares with a quarter of women in the general population.
They were more likely to need fertility treatment.(6.2% of women with eating disorder,compared with 2.7% of the general population).
Jane,aged 29,from Glasgow,was diagnosed with anorexia at the age of 8,and has never had a period.Although she is now a healthy weight,she has strugleg to get pregnant for the past 4years and is now having fertililty treatment.
However,perhaps surprisingly,more pregnancies in the group of women who had anorexia at some point were unplanned.However,the high rates of unplanned pregnancies in women with a history of anorexia suggest that women may be underestimating their chances of concieving.
The research focused on more than 11,000 in the British area taking part in a long-term study to tract the health of mothers and their kids.
Those with bulimia eat more than normal.They may deliberatly induce vomitng to eat more.Most of them are fat and are likely to have health problems like diabetis.
Anorexia is higher in women.They think they are fat while its untrue as the purposely stop eatig to become lean.Like bulimia,it has a geneti origin.Anorexics may suffer from ulcer and even die due to self-starvation.(This is only a brief description.more on eating disorders later).

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